Published: September 10, 2021
Please note that the fall schedule for our pool season is in effect. The pools will now be opened on weekends only (Friday-Sunday from 5am-9pm), as we are getting ready for the winterization process. We will also like to inform you that the pool will close for the season on Monday, September 27, 2021. We encourage you to enjoy and take advantage of the days that are left.
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University Place Dallas HOA
Published: June 05, 2021
We are pleased to announce that a Telephonic/Online Annual Election Meeting has been scheduled, and the purpose of the meeting will be to elect one (1) Class A Member to the Board of Directors. Click Full Story for more information.
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University Place Dallas HOA
Published: May 24, 2021
We have very exciting news! Now you can submit Payment plan forms on your homeowner website! Follow the link on the homepage for payment plans. If you have questions, please email billing@essexhoa.com.
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University Place Dallas Homeowners Association
Published: May 05, 2021
We pleased to announce the official opening of the pool area at the Association!! The pool area will be opened for use on Friday, May 21st. Click Full Story for more information.
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University Place Dallas HOA
Published: April 01, 2021
It was recently observed that person(s) from the Association were seen swimming in the lake systems near the northern entrance. Please note that swimming within the lake systems is not permitted at any time. We ask that members refrain from this action to avoid any further incidents as there is a community pool area for such use. Members seen within the lake systems will be cited for trespassing as well as fined for non-compliance.
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University Place Dallas HOA
Published: March 30, 2021
It was recently brought to the Association’s attention to an incident that occurred within the Dog Park area. We were advised that a dog had attacked another dog and its’ owner while in the facility. Further, it was also relayed that this was not the first time that this dog has not attacked other animals/people non-provoked. Click Full Story for more information.
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University Place Dallas HOA
Published: February 20, 2021
As you may have seen from the several email blasts and web articles we have provided over this severe weather we have experienced, we are coming to you to address matters to best off-set circumstances you are in (Power/No power - No water/Water Usage). Click Full Story for more information.
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University Place Dallas HOA
Published: February 18, 2021
Given the extreme amount of snowfall and severe temperatures we have received over this last week, we wish to remind that the Pool Area is closed to the membership at this time. The pool has frozen over in several locations and it was observed during a safety check of the grounds that a series of (multiple) footprints were seen around and over the frozen areas of the pool. Given such liability and emphasis to safety, the Pool Area is closed to all person(s) to alleviate this concern. We thank you in advance for your time and attention to this matter.
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University Place Dallas HOA
Published: February 10, 2021
Given the freezing temperature upon us, we are wishing to remind all members to take necessary precautions to ensure that your property has been properly winterized. We have enclosed several helpful tips for you on this matter below. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (972) 428-2030, extension 7346 or steven@essexhoa.com. Click Full Story for more information.
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University Place Dallas HOA