2:30 pm
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Meeting ID: 879 0059 1757
Passcode: 136581
As the Managing Agent for the University Place Dallas Homeowners Association, Inc., we are pleased to announce that the Virtual Board of Directors Meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, October 26th, 2022 at 2:30 p.m. Virtual meetings are open session for listening and/or viewing only. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss normal business of the Association as well review and approval of 2023 budget.
Please take a moment to review the draft agenda posted to the Association’s website at www.universityplacedallashoa.com. Should you have any questions regarding the draft agenda or the upcoming Board of Directors Meeting, please contact Essex Association Management, L.P. via the web submission tool located under the “Contact Us” tab on the Association’s website and an Essex Association Management representative will respond promptly.
Click here to download and read the Notice UPD BOD Mtg 10.26.22
Click here to download and read the Agenda UPD BOD Mtg 10.26.22